Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Giving birth grey

As in grey hair(s). As in deeply etched in crows feet. As in I'm tired, but still ecstatic. It's been a decade since I have given birth. A DECADE. This may not seem like such a big deal for some people, but to me it's a crazy-big deal. I gave birth to 4 babies in 5 years; 2000, 2002, 2003 & 2005. Baby making, birthing and lactating is all I knew for awhile. And it made me feel complete. I was put here on this planet to Mom, and Mommin' is what I excelled at.

But then, life happened. And 10 years has gone by. 10 Years not full of birth, babies, and Mom dates at swimming pools teaching our toddlers to swim. 10 Years has gone by and it's been full of a different kind of growth. Growth of me. I've had to work full time and put my baby in day care- a baby I still breastfeed and slept with. I couldn't be a stay at home Mom anymore. I had to figure out how to raise my children on only my income. And I did.

 Mixed in those 10 years of various full time jobs were love relationships that eventually feel apart but that I am still so grateful for, new friendships with people who didn't have children (this was a biggy- I didn't think we would have anything in common!). I went to college, earned one of those fancy degrees. I learned I loved free time, and jogging, and yoga, and dancing, and yes- vodka cranberries. I found a new me. I liked her. She was complimentary with the Mom me. I had found a balance, with Mommin' and working, playing and free time and dating.
Fast forward those 10 years.
I am now 33.
I am engaged.
I work full time.
I am pregnant.
 My kids are 14, 11 and 9 (so soon to be 15, 12 &10. Double digit take over!). My fiancee also has a daughter who is soon to be 10.
My new life is full of big kids, and budgeting, and family vacations. And soon a baby. A baby that will tie the new me with the old me. Because I need both, because I love both. Because both the full time young Mama Erin who devoted her entire being to raising her babies, and the full time working, fun, single Mama Erin are still in me. They will never leave me. They complete me, like this new baby will. A full circle of life, a colorful life, to bring me back to my first true love; birth.
Full belly (but not quite yet done)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Flow of winter

What is it about snow and ice that drives inspiration? Not the kind of inspiration to get outside and experience the wonders of the rocky mountain winter wonderland surrounding me, but the kind of inspiration that makes me want to write about life. Or craft something, or try a new recipe that will make my kids fall in love with my cooking all over again.  
It must come from the natural hibernation and calmness of nature that lights an inner flame and gives me that push. I’m happy for that push- cause it only seems to come about once a year. It could also be the fact that I'm almost 6 months pregnant, and I can't do too much else but awaken my inner nesting self to create things around me.
But I dread the month of February more than anything- I always hope that by being super crafty and staying busy in January that it will keep me sane and happy through the most dreaded month of all.
There’s too many events that happened in February that I don’t know how to completely process yet. First, there’s February 13th, which marks the birthday of my 2nd child who died at 20 days old in 2003. And there’s February 28th, which will now mark the day an avalanche ripped into my back yard and buried my 2 youngest children. This happened last year, with my daughter being partially buried and my son being completely buried. My daughter was able to get herself out of the compacted snow and debris, but my son wasn't found until an hour and half later. My children are fine, they lived through it with minimal injuries. They still go to therapy. My daughter has triggers. She also has new fears, ones which we are learning to adapt to and help her through. Ones that will always be there. I watched the whole thing happen from my bedroom window- and will be continuing my therapy for quite some time.
Having to face the trauma of almost losing more children last year has forced me into finally facing the trauma of losing my son, Wind, almost 13 years ago. He died of CMV pneumonia. He died in his sleep, nestled in the crook of my right arm, in our family bed.
I’m currently trying to be creative in new ways to honor and remember him, rather then forget or avoid the inevitable day that will bring tears and grief. And now I must do the same for February 28th-the day of the avalanche. I must find a way to not be scared of this day, or to be scared of the snow building up on Mount Jumbo. I need to reteach myself to see this mountain in all its beauty and strength, and not as a looming reminder of an event that almost took my children's lives.
These two events in February are definitely different, but are also tied together in some ways I don’t quite fully understand yet. I think letting go of fear will be one of my lessons finally learned down the road from now.
Letting my creative juices flow for the sake of saving and maintaining my health is more difficult than I thought it would be. And so worth it. I’m savoring the fact that I’m in the trenches of trauma with an end finally in sight, and all I need is some more inspiration and guidance to learn how to make it flow, and continue to flow. Kind of like a creek or river in the middle of winter; the water continuously flows under the ice and snow, you just don’t always see it. But it’s there, flowing, just like it should be.